Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Ok, I had a little meltdown moment this morning. Some would call it a panic attack, breakdown, crying jag. Whatever! I prefer meltdown. All this and I wasn’t even out of bed yet.

John and I are in the midst of several changes in our life.

We are putting our house on the market, and looking for another. We have a new puppy. (Whom I acquired when I was having a temporary insanity moment.) My daughter is going through a very difficult time, one is moving, and I don’t get to talk to my son often enough. And we are going on vacation.

I woke up this morning and it all hit me. What if we sell the house and can’t find a place to buy that is what we want and can afford. What if the dogs cause my house sitter to run away while we are gone? What if we can’t afford any of this? What if John should not close the store for a week? What if they show the house and the dogs eat the people? What if I can’t get everything done in time to go?

It all sounds silly now, but this morning it had me really stressed out. It was like I knew I had to get out of bed, but I did not know where to start or what to do first when I got up.
But I did get up, and got my first cup of coffee. Then deciding I needed a few more minutes to gather my thoughts, went and got back in bed. I began to pray and then opened my Bible. As always, God is faithful to lead me to where He wants me to read. Sometimes it is a chapter, sometimes several versus, sometimes, just a line.

He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:15

WOW. I needed to think about this a minute…
He is the creator of the universe, He is my sustainer. In Him, everything is held together and prevented from falling into chaos.
Chaos… that is what I am feeling. So, this must mean I am trying to control all this. I am not letting God sustain me, protect me. I need to trust Him.
It is so easy to lose focus. I have had my granddaughter here with me this week. We have had a grand time. We have laughed and played and talked. It has been wonderful. But I also realized in my effort to keep things exciting for her this week, I have neglected my time with God. For me it only takes a day or so of not communicated with Him in a real personal way to get out of sync, lose focus, and… have a meltdown.

Thank you God, for reminding me just how much I need you!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Samson's obedience lesson, or was it mine?

What a day! We had our first and last lesson today. On the way there I told Samson, at $25.00 a half hour, he better be a fast learner. The lesson was held at Creature Comforts. A boarding, spa type place set back in the beautiful pasture land of Lake Junaluska. After signing in, which was an experience in itself, the teacher let Sam explore the lobby for a few minutes. She said he needed to explore in order to relax. Then we went through the spa room, which really intimidated Sam a little. Me too for that matter. It had all these tables with nooses hanging from them and crates. Then we went into the actual classroom. A really large room with carpet and the rubber runways up and down. she wanted him to sniff around a bit and get comfortable. Me, I was freezing, I don't think the heat was on. But as long as Sam is comfortable. Then we got started. She said that based on how BIG he is and was going to become, we should start with Recall- he comes when I call him and then... Sit. These were to be the two, (only two) that we will work on this half hour for $25.00. She had a bowl full of chunks of cheese sitting on the table, ( which might explain the mouse that was running back and forth across the room) . We each took a handful and the lesson began. I was quite impressed with Sam's learning capabilities. She would tell Sam to come to her and give him a piece of cheese. Then she would tell him to sit and give him another piece of cheese. I felt a sense of pride. MY DOG is Smart. After several rounds of this, she told him to take a break and play for a minute. Then it was my turn. I puffed up and called to Sam... "Come Same, Sam come.. come on Sam". Nothing! Next thing I know, She was telling me all the things I was doing wrong. Wait a minute. something is wrong here. She kept telling me the things I needed to work on. My voice, my stance, don't say something twice. Hello? What is wrong with this picture? Well, no time to find out, my 30 minutes is up. So I asked, "What should Sam work on this week". She replied "Nothing, but you need to work on the following..." " OK, then does he have homework today?" "NO, he has had a busy time here today, he needs to rest today, but here are two books for you to go home and read"! Seriously... it was a good lesson. She was great, and definitely knows what she is doing. Now, I just hope I can keep it up. One thing I am very grateful for is a very tired Samson. He has napped for the last half hour. He is worn out from all that exploring, playing, eating cheese and making me look bad. All that for $25.00 !!!