Monday, April 30, 2007

Got Gossip?

Several weeks ago at work, I noticed there were an awful lot of rumors going around and it seemed as though everyone was talking about someone all the time. I also noticed that I was rapidly becoming more and more involved and it did not take long for me to become convicted of my part in it. The first thing I did was decide to back off. Easier said than done. I have to admit I immediately felt "out of the loop" with everyone. I knew all had to do to get back in was engage in the talk.
So, I had a major decision to make. If I was that easily enticed to participate then I needed to remove myself from the opportunities to gossip. To do this would mean putting myself in an environment where being a part of the TALK was less likely to occur, which also meant stepping down from a position with title to one without. So, what to do? After praying,and praying some more. I went in to work and asked to step down and relocate myself to another position that would get me away from all the temptation to "share". I was asked why, and I told the truth. Talk about being alienated, I was! Almost instantly.! It seems as though the bosses can't help but gossip either. I was a little concerned I may have made the wrong decision, but then I went to church two Sundays ago, and as is usually the case, God used Heath to speak to me again. (Which kind of makes me afraid to tell God about any other areas I may be struggling in, because I am convinced He has a hot line to the preacher telling him.) Anyway, the sermon series is titled SMAK! Chews your words wisely. The first week was on the Fiery Tongue and the hurtful things we can say(short synopsis). Yesterday's was on, you guessed it. Gossip! It only confirmed to me that I had made the right decision.
The situation at work is still unpleasant. There will be no rewards for me at work for being the most popular, but that is OK, I will get my reward in Heaven. This may have seemed like a really drastic measure to some. For me the right thing to do for now.
Once again, I am amazed at God's timing. Bringing the right message to me at the right time. He is awesome!!!
Another observation on this. ..As I have monitored more of my conversations with people, I have realized when I edit out all gossip, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot to say. Sad, but true.
I will work on this.


Jackie said...

My fortune cookie this weekend said, "If you only speak well of others, there is no need to whisper."

Elena said...

I'm sure your decision to change positions was a hard one to make but the right one in deed. When it felt wrong to gossip and which also made you uneasy, that was definitely God speaking to you.
When all is right with Him it doesn't matter what others think or say.

I'm sure one day they will see the wrong in gossiping and may even learn it the hard way for God is surely listening. You are a strong woman of faith and that says alot about you :)